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Shaping Inclusive Narratives ableism equity diversity and inclusion language Jan 02, 2024

In the nuanced realms of education and the workplace, the language we employ wields a profound influence on attitudes and inclusivity. An intriguing contrast emerges when examining the terminology used for different student or employee groups. While Indigenous students are often celebrated for their "ways of knowing," individuals with...

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People first language and identity first language: Is there a clear choice? language Aug 21, 2023

Person first/identity first language; is there a clear choice?

Person first/identity first language is a topic of ongoing debate within the disability community. The idea behind person first language is to put the person before their disability. For example, instead of saying "disabled person," one would say "person with a disability." The idea...

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Embracing Inclusive Language: debunking common defenses language Aug 07, 2023

This article explores common defenses used when discussing ableist language and highlights the importance of challenging them. It emphasizes that using ableist language perpetuates harm, regardless of intent, and dismisses concerns as oversensitivity. By understanding the impact of language, promoting inclusivity, and adopting alternative words...

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